Taking SD32 - Ⅱ Bag Dust Collector as an Example
Technical performance:
1, processing air volume ≤ 3000 m3 / h
2, the gas blast <120 ℃
3, gas dust concentration <100 g / m3 (superscript)
4, purification gas dust concentration ≤ 50 mg / m3 (superscript)
5, the total filter area of 32 m2
6, the filter resistance 1450 ~ 1771 pa
7, dust collector to withstand negative pressure 3000 pa
8, compressed air consumption 0.2 m3 (superscript) min
Pressure 5-7) × 105Pa
filter design is divided into internal and external filter filter type
two. Filter bag filter with internal filter, the dust gas into the
filter bag through the filter into the inside of the filter bag, bagging
method using sub-room off-line anti-blowing bag bag cleaning, the
principle is more complicated, burned Into a large impact on the
operation of the process. When using external filter bag filter to
filter, the dust-laden gas enters the filter bag outside through the
filter inlet to filter the outside of the filter bag. The outside of the
filter bag is sucked by this airflow, so it must be supported by
skeleton cage. . Cleaning method using pulse cleaning.