-Botou Maite Cement Machinery Co. Ltd.


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泊头市是我国古代的漕运码头,建国初期河北省的十大古镇之一,是当今的“铸造之乡”、“鸭梨之乡”、“小枣之乡”,104 国道和京沪铁道平行穿过市区,东傍京福高速公路、高铁,交通十分便利,后时节,天高气爽,果实遍野,风景秀丽而诱人,枣梨之香沁人心脾,登高而望油然而生无限遐思。公司位于泊头市工业开发区,京福高速公路,高速铁路西侧,公司实行立体化建筑,本着生产、生活面积化,绿化面积不能小的原则。建筑向纵上方发展,产品向精细方向发展。公司有车间面积壹万平方米之多,职工公寓楼五层楼一栋,办公室及各种功能科室八层楼一栋,水泥机械研究所及字画展示中心九层楼一栋。其建为兰砖砌墙、琉璃盖顶、雕梁画柱、壁镶石刻、长城垛口、白玉栏杆;古朴中点缀堂皇,笨拙中显现实在。彰显企业整体的精神追求,遵循“产品粗制乱造就是犯罪”的经营理念,在当今“大跃进”式发展的经济过程中,要脚踏实地的做些不违背良心的产品!本公司具有四十年输送机械制造经验的工人队伍,有着其辉煌的发展历程。由于政策的支持和发展经济的大势影响,企业也和产品一样,不断换代,在不断地重组再建过程中,势必有异军兀起者独领风骚。以自己独特的技术及创新优势,产品销往世界各地及每个角落。

BoTou Maite Cement Equipment Co., Ltd is located in Botou City- nearby Beijing City and Tianjin City -thefamous Casting Land, Pear Land, and Chinese date land. With Forty years` experience in Cement EquipmentIndustry and aimed with Fine Product Fine Market, Botou Maite integrated basic theory research, equipmentresearch, designed and manufactured a series of products.


Foreign sales: Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Oman, Laos, Japan, Thailand,Cambodia, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Zambia, South Africa, India, Ethiopia, Tanzania,Nigeria,Bolivia, USA, Egypt,Myanmar, Argentina Nearly 50 countries including Algeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Russia, Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan,andCongo.IncludingtheHeidelberg project and the Lafargeproject.


Domestic sales: The almost all-known cement plants in the country will use our products more or less. Such as:Southern Cement, Zhonglian Cement, Jinyu Group, Sinoma Construction, Sinoma International, Yatai Group,Huaxin Cement, etc.


Technical Support: With strong technical support from Tianjin Cement Design& Research Institute Co., Ltd andNanjing Cement Design& Research Institute Co., Ltd, Botou Maite established self-owned auxiliary EquipmentResearch Centre and finished a lot of product innovation and application. Most of Auxiliary Equipments haveunique advantage with which Botou Maite`s products gainwidespread availability.Main products:


Address: Industrial Development Zone, Botou City, Hebei Zip code: 062150 Tel:0317-5565581,5565583 Fax:0317-5565583
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